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4 steps to minimise flight training cost

Writer: Tejas JoshiTejas Joshi

Want to solo quickly? Are you stuck halfway in your training? Or like to progress faster? Use my 4P strategy to excel and ace your flight training today!

Plan Prepare Practice Perceive


"Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail"

When it comes to flying, be it as a professional pilot or a pilot-in-training, planning is critical. The training environment is dynamic, and cancellations will happen, for various reasons (weather, aircraft unavailability, airspace restrictions, etc.). Discuss with your instructor and make a plan for your training course and flight lessons. Then stick to that plan as much as possible. Always keep a copy of the plan with you and use it for your preparation. As much as possible, try not to skip any lessons, especially in the pre-solo phase.

Not only planning for future training but planning for your upcoming flight lesson is just as important.


Home Study

Preparation begins at home. After looking at your plan, read through your reference books for the particular manoeuvres you will be practising next. I have mentioned some of my favourite books at the end of this post. You can also lookup for videos of the planned manoeuvres on the internet.

Chair Flying

Chair flying is to practice mentally the entire flight sitting at home on a chair, eyes closed, and imagining being in the plane. Curl your hand in front as if holding the control yoke, feet ahead like on the rudder. Mentally imagine yourself in the airplane and review/revise all the procedures from start to shut-down.

Computer Based Training Devices

Several PC based training devices and simulators are now readily available in the market. Although they won't teach you to fly, you can use these to polish your SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

Radio Telephony Procedures

A common area where new students struggle is in communication procedures. One of the ways to master it is to listen to the talk on the frequency. Several websites on the internet now provide Live ATC frequency feed. Listen to it in your free time. Write the clearance you hear, and wait for the readback, check if you got it right. Practice replying to yourself to the same clearance. A method I used to practice as a student was to have a friend who is also a flight student, on-call and talk over headphones. Practice giving and receiving clearances to each other. You can use a written script to start.


One of the most critical aspects of flight training is Pre-Flight Briefing. Arrive early for your flight lesson so you can (plan, prepare and then) get a thorough pre-flight briefing from your instructor. How to prepare just before your flight lesson. Pre-flight briefing consists of a review of manoeuvres, procedures to be practised in that particular lesson. These briefings will make a considerable difference in your performance in the air.

Eat right and Sleep Well

Research has shown lack of sleep is similar to being under the influence of alcohol. Sleep deprivation will have consequences like slower reaction time, impaired concentration, poor decision making, difficulty in-depth perception and many more. These will not only hamper your training directly, but they are hazards in flying. Be appropriately rested before your flight. Try and get about 7-8 hours of sleep the night before your flight. Eating right helps in staying attentive and focused. There is no measurement as to how much is right but don't overstuff yourself before the flight. Overstuffing will leave you with a sluggish feeling, while on the flip side, being hungry will not be useful in retaining attention span.


"Practice makes us perfect."

The more you practice, the better you'll become. That doesn't mean doing 20 touch-and-go in one lesson. Rather during initial training, a full-stop landing is preferred to practising touch and go. While in Pre-Solo Phase try to fly almost every day. Approximately an hour in the air is a good start.


Some people refer to flying as an art, and some call it a skill. But the fact is every individual is unique when it comes to learning, be it art or physical capability. Someone may take longer to master it, while it may be an easy process for a few. Regardless of your progress, I recommend not to compare it with others. But what you can do is be sincere in your approach. Honest in terms of being prepared for lessons, being receptive of critique, and following your plan. Sincerity is the face of a professional pilot.


One of the manoeuvres to acquire skill as a student pilot is a go-around. Think of every landing as a go-around. At the slightest doubt about your approach, perform a go-around. Never be embarrassed about a go-around. Better be safe flying up there rather than be planted into the runway!

Be proficient in handling go-arounds. Practice with your instructor until you are confident in transitioning from an approach to the go-around phase.

Keep Calm and Fly safe

If you have seen toddlers learning to walk or even trying to stand on their feet, you might have noticed how they keep losing their balance. But after a few weeks and months, they are running and jumping in every direction possible. Our brain is programmed to be on 'land' in a two-dimensional space. Unlike birds, we are not born to manoeuvre in the third dimension of being in the air. During initial training, when you start moving in a three-dimensional space, new sensations are felt by your brain. And you lose balance. All it takes is getting used to it, just like the example of the kid. So, stay calm.

Anxiety leads to tensed muscles. And tensed muscles are of no help. Staying relaxed keeps your focus on the desired task. You can tackle stress or anxiousness by moving your toes in your shoes. You can also try clenching your fist and then open your fingers wide.


“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.”

Never hesitate to ask. Always raise your doubts and ask questions. Speak to your instructor and get them all resolved. Clearing your doubts will change your perception and give you further insight into the lesson. It will constructively build your confidence.


Similar to pre-brief, a Post-flight Debrief is equally essential. Debriefs include a recap of the conducted flight lesson consisting of the areas that need improvement and the areas that have progressed well. It will also include what is coming up in the next session. Make notes during the debrief and use them in preparation for the next lesson.

Video Record Your Flights

I understand flight training in itself is expensive, but if you can, invest in an action camera and video record your flight. Review the video after your flight lesson in the comfort of your home. Once again make notes and discuss with your instructor if you need further assistance in any particular area.

Back Seat

Observational learning in humans begins at a very early age. Children of up to 21 days old have shown to imitate facial expressions. Humans have mastered the art of observing and then replicating the actions. If you can arrange with another student, speak to his/her instructor and back seat on their training flight. Sitting back and observing will improve your performance. My recommendation is to be an active observer, take notes. Understanding the what, why and how of the procedure.

The Bonus ‘P’

Be Prepared and stick to your plan. Practice what you planned, then perceive what you practised! And after following these 4Ps, you get the Bonus P, "PROGRESS".

Good luck!

Reference Books:



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